So I met this little dude on one of my hikes a few weekends ago in the Great Otway National Park off the Great Ocean Road. This is the first time I've seen a koala in the wild in a long time, so I was super excited to see his round fuzzy gray butt hanging out of a tree.
There's a joke in there somewhere.
Stu was patient with me, even though I disturbed his nap to take a zillion pictures of him (that all look the same). He waited for me to finish and then went peacefully back to sleep in his tree. Rough life there, Stu.
Had some really glorious weather this trip -- and by that I mean it poured buckets on me for most of my hike and only decided to turn all happy and sun-shiney once I was safely back in the town of Lorne. Thanks, Mother Nature.
But I battled the rain and got to see some lovely waterfalls. And got to destroy my nice new white shoes in ten feet of mud. I also got to befriend a lot of cockatoos and king parrots this trip -- they were out in droves and harrassing people like you would not believe. A cockatoo and a parrot both came right up to me and tried to eat my camera. Tasty.
Me on the hiking trail to the Cora Lynn Cascades:
A cockatoo, trying to eat my camera:
Incredible valley of giant ferns:
Me at Cora Lynn Falls, exhausted and muddy:
Cora Lynn Falls:
Gorgeous view back toward the ocean:
The hiking path. It made my shoes cry.
Spectacular Erskine Falls, a really gorgeous waterfall:
A parrot:
Erskine Falls:
Me at Erskine Falls:
Stu, starting to look pissed off -- probably about to launch into ninja-koala mode:
Not too thrilled about this last one here:
A cockatoo taking off just as I went to take his picture:
Surfers in the Lorne waves:
A parrot, trying to eat my camera:
Lorne beach:
Lorne beach:
Me at Lorne beach:
Male and female king parrots:
A jaded Australian woman next to me commented, "This looks like a session of Parliament."
After a moment: "No, actually, this looks like a session of Parliament."
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